Privacy Policy


Casa Sinove BV (, we, we, us or our), Molenstraat 51, 9340 Impe, Belgium, is the controller and operator of is committed to protecting your privacy. This privacy statement explains how we collect, use, provide, store and protect your personal data. This privacy statement applies to all itacasa websites, applications, services and tools (collectively referred to as “services”) referencing this privacy statement, regardless of how you access or use it, including using mobile devices. We can change this privacy statement at any time by posting the modified version on this site with the effective date of the modified version. We announce material changes to this privacy statement by email.

What are personal data?

Personal data is data about an identified or identifiable natural person. Is an identifiable natural person someone who can be directly or indirectly identified by an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or one or more elements characteristic of the physical, physiological, genetic, psychological, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person. Data that is anonymized or aggregated, so that they can no longer be used to identify a specific natural person, or in combination with other information, or otherwise, we do not consider it as personal data.

Personal data we collect

We collect certain personal data, when you use our services. We collect personal data from you and the devices (including mobile devices) you use when you: use our services, sign up for an account, provide us with information through a web form, update your account or add data to it, during dispute resolution or when you otherwise communicate with us. Some personal information, such as information that identifies you, is necessary to agree to continue with our terms of use. The provision of all other personal data is voluntary, but may be required to use it to provide our services, such as information about your ad or contact information necessary to place an ad. We may also collect personal data from other sources, as described below.

Personal data that you provide to us when you use our services or register for an account.

  • Identifying information such as your name, addresses, telephone numbers or email addresses when you sign up for an account.
  • Other information that you generate, or that belongs to your account and your use of the website, applications, services and tools, such as use of functionality to place an ad, search queries, viewed and saved ads or your use of the contact options for an advertisement,including pseudonymised information in relation to calling one to you an ad shown phone number.
  • Financial information, such as credit card or bank account numbers related to a transaction.
  • You can also provide us with other information through a web form, by updating or adding information to your account, in the context of dispute resolution or when you otherwise communicate with us about our services.
  • Additional information, if we are required or authorized under applicable national law to collect and process it to identify you or verify your identity, or to check the information we have collected.

Personal data we collect automatically when you use our services or register for an account

  • We collect information about your interaction with our services, your advertising preferences and your communication with us. This is data we receive from devices (including mobile devices) that you use when you access our services. These data can be the following include: device ID or unique identifier, device type, ad ID and unique device token.
  • Computer and connection information such as statistics about your page views, traffic to and from the sites, referral URLs, advertising data, your IP address, your browsing history and your blog data.
  • Location information, including location information from your mobile device. Most mobile devices allow the use of location services by managing or disabling an application on your mobile device.
  • When you visit or use our sites, services, applications, tools or messaging features, we or our authorized service providers may use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better, faster and safer experience, and for advertising and marketing purposes.

Personal data we collect with cookies and similar technologies.

We use cookies, web beacons, unique IDs and similar technologies to collect data about the pages you view, the links you click on and other actions you take when you use our services within our advertising or email content.

Personal data collected from other sources

  • We supplement the personal data that we collect directly with data that we collect from third parties and we add this to you account information. For example, we collect and use demographic and other data that are publicly available in the applicable being jurisdiction, additional contact information, credit control information and credit agency information to the extent permitted by of applicable national law.
  • Social media. We enable you to share data with social media sites or use social media sites to create your account or to connect your account to the appropriate social media site. These social media sites can automatically give us access to certain personal data held about you by the sites (for example, content that you have viewed, content that you have "liked", information about the ads shown to you or clicked, etc.). You determine which personal data you grant us access to using the privacy settings on the appropriate social media site. By an account managed by a social media site, link to your account, give us access to this data and the data will be processed in accordance with this privacy statement. We may also use add-ons (plugins) or other technologies from different social media sites. If you click on a link provided by a social media plug-in (plug-in), you voluntarily connect to that social media site.
  • You may only provide us with personal data about someone else with the permission of that person. You must inform this person about how we collect, use, provide and store his or her personal data in accordance with our privacy statement.

How we use your personal data

We use your personal data to provide and improve our services, to provide you with a personalized experience on our site, contact you about your account and our services, provide you with customer service, provide you with personalized ads and marketing and to detect, prevent, investigate and mitigate the consequences of fraudulent or illegal activities. We use the personal data we collect from you for a variety of business purposes and based on different legal bases for it processing. Below is an overview of how and on what legal basis we use your personal data.

We use your personal data to fulfill an agreement with you and to provide you with our services, in order to comply with our legal requirements obligations or to protect your vital interests, such as:

  • To provide you with access to our services (in particular so that you can place and manage advertisements or other content), in the context of account management, operating, measuring and improving our services, keeping our services safe and operational and customizing content with objects and services that you may find interesting based on actions you perform.
  • To give you access to our messaging and other functions.
  • To contact you about your account, resolve issues with your account, resolve a dispute, collect fees or charges, or otherwise provide customer service. When we use for purposes as described above to contact you, we can do that by email, phone, text messages, mail and mobile push messages.
  • To provide you with other services you have requested, as described when we collect the information, including paying through the Online Payment Platform.
  • We use general location data to provide you with location-based services (such as ads, search results and other personalized content).
  • To prevent, detect, investigate or mitigate the consequences of fraud, security breaches or other potentially prohibited or illegal activities;
  • To perform our Terms of Use, this privacy statement or other policies, applicable national laws, and any agreements we have with you.

We use your personal data to represent our legitimate interests, provided that your rights and freedoms do not override these interests. We have implemented controls to balance our interests against your rights, which include:

  • Improve our services, for example, by viewing information about pages that have crashed or crashed among users, so that we experience problems track and fix and provide you with a better experience.
  • Customize, measure and improve our ads according to your custom ad preferences.
  • Contacting you by email, phone or mail to offer you coupons, discounts and special promotions, ask your opinion through research or questionnaires and to inform you about our services, as permitted by applicable law.
  • To contact you about matters related to public policy or other current events related to your ability to use our services to use. This may include an invitation to sign a petition, a letter, a phone call or other types of related campaigns with public policy.
  • Offer targeted marketing, service updates, and special promotions based on your communication preferences.
  • Measure the performance of our email marketing campaigns (for example, by analyzing open and click-through rates).
  • Monitor and improve the information security of our site and mobile applications.

By using our services, you consent to us using your personal information for the following:

  • Offer marketing to you via phone calls, email or text messages.
  • Offer you marketing of other companies managed by us.
  • Offer third-party marketing to you.
  • Customize third-party ads you may see on third-party websites.
  • Use your exact geolocation to provide location-based services. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. We can use technologies that are considered automated decision-making or profiling. We will not make automated decisions about you that significantly affect you unless such decision is necessary as part of an agreement we have with you, we have your permission, or we are required by law to use such technology.
  • We do not allow third parties to track or collect your personal information on our sites for their own advertising purposes without your permission.

Stay logged in

When you log in to your account via our services, we offer you the option of staying logged in to your account for a certain period of time. If you use a public or shared computer, we recommend that you do not remain logged in. You or another user of the computer / browser to which you have logged in can view and access most of your account and perform certain actions during this login period without further authorization being required. You or another user of this computer / browser can perform the following actions and take account actions:

  • Place an ad
  • Manage your ads
  • View my favorites
  • Use all other functions

If you try to change your password or username, or update other account information, or try other account actions other than those listed above, you may be asked to enter your password. You can generally end your login session by checking out log and / or delete your cookies. If you have enabled certain privacy settings in the browser, you can also end the login session by closing the browser. If you are using a public or shared computer, you must log out and / or clear your cookies when you are finished our services to protect your account and your personal data.

Ways in which you can view, manage and correct your personal data

We respect your right to access your personal data and your rights to correct it, request deletion or ask us limit our use of it, as required by applicable law. We also take steps to ensure that the personal information we hold collect, correct and updated.

You have the right to know what personal information we hold about you

We will provide you with a copy of your personal data in a structured, common and machine-readable format upon request. If your personal information is incorrect or incomplete, you have the right to ask us to update it. You have the right to object against our processing of your personal data. You can also ask us to delete your personal data or limit our use of it, but that right is subject to applicable law and may affect your access to some of our services.

Inspection, correction and deletion of your personal data

You can view, check and change most of your personal data by logging into your account. Update your personal data immediately if it changes or is incorrect. Please note that if you post a public message, you may no longer be able to change or delete it. We respect any legal right you may have to access your personal information and change or delete it. If you want to request access and want to know if there are any costs involved, if allowed by applicable national law, please contact us by following the instructions in the Contact Us section below. If you have a legal right to request access or to request the modification or deletion of your personal data, we may provide certain and in accordance with applicable national law that still withhold access or refuse to change your personal data or delete it. If you request that we stop processing some or all of your personal data or if you have your consent (if applicable) for our use or our provision of your personal data for the purposes described in this privacy statement We may not be able to provide you with all the services and customer service offered to our users based on that of this privacy statement and our Terms of Use are permitted. At your request, we close your account and stop displaying your personal data as soon as reasonably possible depending on your account activity and in accordance with applicable national legislation.

How we can share your personal data

We can provide your personal data to other companies within Casa Sinove BV or to third parties. Provision may be required to access you to provide to our services, to comply with our legal obligations, to implement our Terms of Use, to fulfill our marketing and to enable or detect advertising activities or to prevent fraudulent or illegal activities related to our services, investigate and limit its consequences. We try to limit the amount of personal data we provide as much as possible to what is directly relevant and necessary for the specific purpose. We sell or rent your personal data without your permission and we do not otherwise provide them to third parties for their marketing and advertising purposes. We can process your personal data provide to third parties for the following purposes, who may use the data for the following:

  • Offer joint content and services (such as registration, transactions and customer service).
  • Help to identify possible fraudulent and illegal activities, violations of our Terms of Use, and data security breaches detect, investigate, prevent and limit its effects.
  • Show you custom ads.
  • Improve their products, sites, applications, services, tools and marketing communications.

Law enforcement agencies, in the context of legal proceedings and to the extent permitted by law

  • To comply with our legal obligations, perform our Terms of Use, respond to claims that a placed ad or other content violates the rights of others or to protect the rights, property or safety of individuals.
  • To law enforcement or government agencies or authorized third parties, following a verified request or legal process in related to a criminal investigation or any alleged or suspected illegal activity or any other activity that leads to liability for us, you or one of our other users. We only provide information that we consider relevant to the study.
  • To Members of our Infringement Report if the owner of an intellectual property right or an intermediary in good faith believes that an advertisement violates the rights of the owner. With all participants in the "Reporting of Infringement Program" before personal data are provided, an agreement is concluded that includes that data is provided under the strictest provided that they are used only in the context of legal proceedings and / or to obtain legal advice and / or to answer questions from the advertiser in question.
  • To credit bureaus or agencies authorized by applicable national law.
  • To third parties involved in legal proceedings, if they issue us with a subpoena, court order, or provide similar legal grounds, or if we have a good faith belief that the provision of information to them is necessary to prevent imminent bodily harm or financial loss, or report suspected illegal activity.

We keep your personal data for as long as necessary to provide the Services you have requested or for other important purposes, such as complying with our legal obligations, resolving disputes and implementing our policies.

The specific retention period of personal data is laid down in our retention schedules for documentation. How long we can store personal data vary widely, depending on the context of the Services we offer and our legal obligations. The following factors are often affects the retention period:

  • How long is the personal data required to offer our Services? This includes things like maintaining and improving performance our products, keeping our systems safe and maintaining good business and financial documentation. This is the general rule that forms the basis of our data retention period.
  • Are the personal data sensitive? In that case, a shorter retention period is usually appropriate.
  • Have you given permission for a longer retention period? In that case we will keep the data for as long as you have accepted.
  • Are we legally, contractually or otherwise obliged to keep your personal data? Examples may be legislation regarding the Mandatory Retention of Data in Applicable Jurisdiction, Government Instructions to Retain Data Relevant to a investigation or personal data held in connection with legal proceedings.

If we no longer need to keep your personal data, we will delete it securely, in accordance with our policy for it retention and deletion of data.

How we protect your personal data

We protect your personal data using technical and organizational security measures to minimize the risk of loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure and changes. Our safeguards include, for example, firewalls and data encryption, physical access control at our data centers and authorization management for information access. If you believe your account has been misused, please contact Customer Support.

What happens when you share your personal data on our sites or in our applications?

Other users have access to the information you share on For example, other users may share your ads, feedback, see reviews and related comments. Other users can also see information that you share in your profile. When you use our Services, your public username can be displayed, be publicly available and linked to all of your public activity. In notifications sent to other users about suspicious activity and in notifications about violations on our sites, may refer to your public username and specific objects. If you add your name to your username persons to whom you have disclosed your name may be able to personally identify your activities. Since our website also allows you to get in direct contact with a buyer or seller, we recommend that you think about how you share your personal data with others. You are responsible for the personal data that you share via our website and therefore we cannot guarantee the privacy or security of the data you share with other users.

Your responsibilities with regard to data you receive on

When you come into contact with another user and your personal details of the other user (such as name, account ID, the e-mail address, contact details and shipping and billing address), you have control of this information independently of us and you must comply with applicable law. You may only use the personal data to which you have access for transactions or for other services offered via (such as complaints about fraud and communication with other members), and for purposes for which the user to whom the data pertains has given explicit permission. Using personal information of other users that you have access to for any other purpose violates our Terms of Use.

Junk or threatening email (spam)

We do not tolerate abuse of our Website. You are not allowed to add other users to your mailing list (email or post), even if a user has bought something from you, unless the user in question has expressly agreed to this. If you notice that someone is abusing our website (spam or spoof e-mails), we request you to send an e-mail to You are not allowed to use our means of communication to send spam or in any other way send content that violates our Terms of Use. For your safety, we scan messages automatically and can check them for spam, viruses, phishing and other harmful activities or illegal or prohibited content. However, we do not store messages sent through these means permanently on.

Communication tools

We may automatically scan and check messages for spam, viruses, phishing and other malicious activity, illegal or prohibited content, or violations of our Terms of Use, this privacy statement, or our other policies.

Privacy practices of third parties

This privacy statement only applies to our use and processing of personal information we collect about you when we provide you with our Services. If you provide this information to third parties or visit a third party website through a link from our Services, their privacy statements and practices apply to personal data that you provide to them or that they collect about you. We cannot guarantee the privacy or security of your personal information if you provide it to third parties, so we recommend that you read your trading partner's privacy and security policy before making a transaction and sharing your personal information. This also applies if the third parties to whom you disclose personal information are bidders, buyers, or sellers on our site.

Google APIs

The Service uses the Google APIs' for its operation. By using the Google APIs' you agree to be bound by it Google Privacy Policy, where you can check your privacy settings. Since the Google API contains links to or uses the websites or services of third parties that are not owned or controlled by, has no control over, and accepts no liability for the content, privacy rules or practices of any third party websites or services. Where applicable, you are subject to the policies applicable to these third parties. By using the Google API, you expressly indemnify against any liability arising from your use of the website or service of such a third party. We encourage you to obtain information before sharing personal information with anyone.

To contact us

If you have a question or complaint about this privacy statement or our data handling practices, please contact us, with the subject "Request Privacy Statement" via, or by writing to itacasa, attn Customer Support, Molenstraat 51 9340 Impe, Belgium.

How can I close my account?

If you no longer want to use your itacasa account, you can contact us, with the subject "Close account request" via, or by writing to itacasa, attn Customer Support, Molenstraat 51 9340 Impe, Belgium. We will send you another email to confirm the cancellation. Important to know, as soon as we delete your account, we will also delete all your data from our systems. Any active ads are removed. You will no longer receive emails from itacasa. If you want to use itacasa later, you can create a new account.